Governors are appointed by the TLP Governance Committee, under the deferred responsibility from the Board of Trustees.

Sean Houlston (Chair) - Appointed Governor (13/10/2023 - 31/08/2027)

Claire Standley - Parent Governor (01/12/2021 - 31/08/2025)

Grace Johnson - Parent Governor (01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)

Andrew Hendrie - Appointed Governor (11/01/2024 - 31/08/2028)

Jenny Hughes - Appointed Governor (07/11/2024 - 31/08/2028) 

Kayleigh Goldstraw - Parent Governor (28/02/2025 - 31/08/2028) 

Georgina Horton - Appointed Governor (24/02/2025 - 31/08/2028)

Historic Governors (left within last 12 months)

Amaka Lawton - Appointed Governor (26/03/2024 - 07/11/2024)

Ray Walker - Governor (08/01/2024 - 03/09/2024)

Amy Brock - Staff Governor (14/11/2017 - 31/08/2024)




Shavington LGB Meeting Minutes

Updated: 05/11/2024 340 KB
Updated: 28/08/2024 308 KB
Updated: 28/08/2024 313 KB
Updated: 28/08/2024 267 KB

Shavington Primary School Declarations of Interest

Updated: 03/03/2025 59 KB

All meetings are held at 4:00pm at SPS

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Wednesday 15th January 2025

Wednesday 23rd April 2025

Wednesday 2nd July 2025

Governor 23rd Jan 2023 13th Mar 2023 15th May 2023 19th Jun 2023 No. of meetings Number attended
Emma  Appleyard Apologies 4 3
Amy  Brock Y Y Y Y 4 4
Andrea  Fisher     Y Y Y Y 4 4
Denise  Harding Y Y Apologies Y 4 3
Steve  Lee  Y Y Y Y 4 4
Rachael  Nicholls Y Y Y Y 4 4
Claire  Standley Y Y Apologies Y 4 3
Rebecca Wollaston Y Y Y Y 4 4