The Game Design Competition was launched by 2Simple Software’s primary school-focused service Purple Mash. It was aimed at Year 6 pupils but six very passionate and skilled Year 4 children took on the challenge for Egerton. Alicia Ungapen (9), Imogen Wood (9), Max Ellis (8), Nathaniel Clark (9), Rosie Hufton (9) and Tara Deane (8) designed a game to help children stay safe online.
After winning the Northwest regional competition, the young designers travelled to London on 15th June for the Grand Final at Amazon’s UK Headquarters. They spent the day with programming teams from Amazon and 2Simple Software to learn about careers in the video game industry.
They presented their game design to a panel of industry professionals who were blown away by their passion, market research and the highly educational quality of their game, which taught the player lessons about e-safety. Egerton beat seven other finalist teams and 180 schools from across the globe to secure victory, winning goody bags full of tech and prizes for the school.